
Posts Tagged ‘corruption’

What do we do when a dictator dies ?!?  Should we cry? Be sorry for the loss of a life?  The truth is that Nino Vieira and João Baptista Tagme Na Waie (they both died violently in the last days, and are both pictured below) are the main responsible for the situation in Guine Bissau.



Guine Bissau is one of the 5 poorest countries in the world, they are independent for almost 40 years and since there, it’s been civil war, military coup, poverty, corruption and drugs business. These two men were killed by each other military. But the way things were going, these deaths are provably a good reason for a ordinary person to smile. What comes next? The next few days will be remarkably decisive. This small, 1.5 million population, placed between Senegal and Guinea, never had a chance since their independence in 1974. Maybe this will be it.guinea-bissau

Nothing to be sorry for in these two deaths, their lifes caused many more death, poverty and dispair then one can imagine. Maybe this will be a new dawn for Guinea Bissau.

I hope so.

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